Monday, February 18, 2013

Back on track

Did you see us on the weather channel?  They were questioning us about the F7 that went through our house. 

Ok, so maybe it just looks like 4 small and 2 large tornadoes hit, but none the less, my house is a national disaster.

With Valentine's Day fundraisers, several basketball games, Pow Wow, baseball practice and just plain life, I have not worked on anything in my house. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have tons of dirty dishes piled up in the sink that smell, but my cat refuses to walk on the floor. One of my bathrooms are half way clean because #4 went to use it one day last week and decided to hang out and clean it. I've been trying to get him to use the other one ever since.

Now I told my self this week I was getting on track no matter what. I'm a couponer for crying out loud and I'm almost out of deodorant! I HAVE to shop this week.

So I'm going to work off check lists and weekly schedule to get back on track.

My checklists include:

50 Bible Verses to learn (an all year deal)
21 Day Organization Challenge and adding 21 days 21 bags with it. (which I was suppose to start 2 weeks ago...Oh my jeeze I suck!)
Spring Cleaning (post coming soon)
My weekly schedule 

Now hopefully it won't be 2 weeks before I get started again.

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